News and Events

132 Articles

New Conference: Maladies of the Soul, Emotion, Affect, September 22-25 2016, Banff

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full name / name of organization:
Canadian Literature Centre at University of Alberta and Canadian Studies Centre at University of Innsbruck
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1. Daniel Heath Justice, University of British Columbia
2. Smaro Kamboureli, University of Toronto
3. Daniel Laforest, University of Alberta

Round-Table of Invited Authors

1. Nicole Brossard, Montreal, Quebec
2. Louise Dupré, Montreal, Quebec
3. Katherena Vermette, Winnipeg, Manitoba
4. Aritha van Herk, Calgary, Alberta

According to D. Bachmann-Medick, a scientific turn is not synonymous with the radical reorientation of a single discipline but basically provides a new pluri- and transdisciplinary perspective complementing and reinforcing already existing approaches. A new turn does not supplant another but becomes part of a dynamic process of competing forces, which eventually may give rise to new categories of analysis and concepts. Studying both the general implications and the positive effects and deficits of such a turn is particularly rewarding when it comes to comparing different academic traditions and – as is the case with this transatlantic and transdisciplinary conference – different literary productions written in different languages.

In the wake of the conference “Crisis and Beyond,” held at the University of Innsbruck in 2015, “Maladies of the Soul, Emotion, Affect” not only responds to recent attention to affect, or the “affective turn” dubbed by Patricia Clough, but also investigates the impact of previous forms of research both on emotions and cognition on the study of Indigenous, Canadian and Québécois writings in English and French. If empathy and agency have evolved as new guiding principles in some fields of literary analysis, their roots can be found in such classical disciplines as poetics, rhetoric, or hermeneutics (Th. Anz), and also in the focus on agency advocated by the Constance school of reception theory. While selecting contemporary Indigenous, Canadian and Québécois writings in English and French as a body of investigation, the participants are encouraged to explore the emotional and affective implications of the process of literary communication, including both conceptual and empirical research and covering the following aspects:

• the emotional and affective habitus of the producer (the “real” author), her / his intentional or non-intentional use of techniques of emotionalisation, her / his definition of a specific poetics, and their possible impact on the text
• the emotional and affective response of the “real” reader to these techniques
• the text as a vehicle of emotions or affects which names, discusses or presents them as parts of the mental habitus of the protagonists (Th. Anz); the aesthetic question of how such processes are evoked (use of metaphors, inscription of the body, syntax of the unspeakable, etc.).

The focus on contemporary literature necessarily confronts us with S. Žižek’s assessment of the 21st century as the “apocalyptic zero point” and S. Ahmed’s, L. Berlant’s and others’ warnings of the West’s “cruel” attachments to neoliberal optimism. S. Ngai identifies “ugly feelings” while M.C. Nussbaum addresses the ethics of care as an affective, and alternative, form of knowledge, agency, and democracy (J. Tronto).

• And so what are the affects and emotions that index the particularity of our literary moment or our moment of crisis?
• How does intimacy or privacy respond to publicness?
• What is today’s equivalent of Romantic ennui and melancholy?
• Do situations of exile and migration enhance the new “maladies of the soul” (J. Kristeva)?
• Do authors ask questions of liveliness and animacy (M.Y. Chen)?
• Which lives today are considered worth living and are recognized as such (J. Butler)?
• How might Indigenous literary and critical interventions undo the very categorizations and labels suggested by this call for papers and enable us to tell different stories (D.H. Justice)?

These and other lines of critical inquiry – on the basis of the above-mentioned emotional and affective implications of literary communication – are designed to allow participants to approach affect, emotion, and the new maladies of the soul of this 21st century, a task which will advance terminological, methodological, and theoretical knowledge both in the fields of affect and emotion and of text analysis.

In the treatment of this description, we encourage comparative, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary perspectives and methodologies. We invite proposals of traditional 20-minute papers as well as other forms of presentation such as short 10-minute position papers, round-tables, or pecha kucha presentations. Complete panel proposals (of 3 or 4 papers) are also highly encouraged.

Proposals (250 words per paper), in English or in French, with a short biographical note (50 words), should be submitted to clcconf@ualberta.caby February 1, 2016.

Faulkner and World Literature (March 15, 2016) – MLA 2017

William Faulkner Society

contact email:

The William Faulkner Society is planning a panel for MLA 2017 in Philadelphia that will focus on Faulkner in the context of world literature. The expansive scope is designed to reveal a range of possibilities for reading Faulkner individually or in comparison to other figures. Papers topics might include but are not limited to the following:

–Faulkner’s international reception, reputation, and influence
–Translations and adaptations of Faulkner worldwide
–Constructions and expressions of literary nationalism
–Global modernism influencing and influenced by Faulkner
–Issues of empire and (de)colonization
–Reading Faulkner in North American, Latin American, transatlantic, Pacific, or Global North/South contexts
–Questions of world literature canon formation, curriculum development, and pedagogy
–Depictions of (uneven) economic development
–Approaches shaped by rethinking and redefining “world literature” (Damrosch), distant reading (Moretti), world systems theory (Wallerstein), globalization studies, or other critical theories and practices

Send a 250-word abstract and brief bio to Ted Atkinson ( by March 15, 2016.

CFP: Transatlanticism and The Blithedale Romance

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full name / name of organization:
Nathaniel Hawthorne Review
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A special issue of the Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, Spring 2017
Guest editors: Derek Pacheco and Michael Demson

In The Blithedale Romance, Hawthorne famously derides Brook Farm’s utopianism by likening it to Charles Fourier’s outlandish prophecies of seas-transmuted-into-“limonade à cèdre.” For all its satire, however, the novel is positively awash, so to speak, in British and European literary, social, and intellectual currents—from pastoral aesthetics, to prison reform, to fantasies of agricultural improvement, to name a few. For example, Hawthorne’s wry allusion to Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey’s unrealized utopian Pantisocracy opens up questions about the extent to which he understood his own experience of Brook Farm in terms of the agrarian thought permeating transatlantic Romanticism. Indeed, that such preoccupations would drift across the Atlantic ocean’s temporal and geographic expanses exemplifies what Elisa Tamarkin has called the “irreducible ‘fluidity’ of the Atlantic world.”

We hope for a broad range of engagements with this topic, from the transcendental to the material, from the circulatory to the rhizomatic. Topics might include, but are not limited to

Blithedale’s reviews/reception/
circulation/reputation in Europe
Anarchism and the commune
Transatlantic idealisms
Transatlantic feminisms
Transatlantic topography
Cottage, farmstead, and plantation
Labor: divisions, subordination,
and violence
Peasants, farmers, landowners
Pastoral, anti-pastoral traditions
Sustainability and/or primitivism
Revolutions of 1848 revised
Participants at Brook Farm

Abstracts of approximately 300-500 words by 15 March 2016 with a two-page cv (please send to Full essays (6,000-9,000 words) would be due by 15 July 2016.

Please address any questions to

New Address: “Two Brave Women’s Tales During the Mexican Revolution”

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The Faculty Forum Series at Midwestern State University presents Associate Professor of Spanish Dr. Claudia Montoya at 7 p.m. Feb. 17, 2016, in Dillard 101. Montoya’s topic will be Two Brave Women’s Tales During the Mexican Revolution, Edith O’Shaughnessy and Rosa E. King.”

Montoya says that the history of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1917) has been as diverse and abundant as the voices that were willing to narrate it, either through historical or fictional texts. The history and fiction were often mistaken for one another.

One group whose voice was marginalized in the history was that of the foreign nationals – particularly the Americans and the British – who had somehow managed to send word to their country of what had been happening in Mexico during that time.

Montoya will present a comparative analysis of the journey of two female travelers during the time of the Mexican Revolution. American Edith O’Shaughnessy (1870-1939) traveled with her husband, the diplomat Nelson O’Shaughnessy. Rosa E. King (1867-1955), a British citizen, became a widow right before the Revolution, and had to find the means to sustain herself and her two children during those difficult times.

The Faculty Forum is an interdisciplinary lecture series presented by MSU to provide faculty the opportunity to have their scholarship recognized in the community and to promote the exchange of ideas among colleagues. Committee members are Drs. Catherine Stringfellow, Suhua Huang, and Jonathan Price.

New Book: Edinburgh Companion to Nineteenth-century American Letters and Letter-Writing

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The Edinburgh Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Letters and Letter-Writing

Edited by Celeste-Marie Bernier and Judie Newman
Edited by Matthew Pethers

Published by Edinburgh University Press

This comprehensive study by leading scholars in an important new field – the history of letters and letter writing – is essential reading for anyone interested in nineteenth-century American politics, history or literature. Because of its mass literacy, population mobility, and extensive postal system, nineteenth-century America is a crucial site for the exploration of letters and their meanings, whether they be written by presidents and statesmen, scientists and philosophers, novelists and poets, feminists and reformers, immigrants, Native Americans, or African Americans. This book breaks new ground by mapping the voluminous correspondence of these figures and other important American writers and thinkers. Rather than treating the letter as a spontaneous private document, the contributors understand it as a self-conscious artefact, circulating between friends and strangers and across multiple genres in ways that both make and break social ties.

New Book: Writing for Justice: Victor Séjour, the Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, and the Age of Transatlantic Emancipations

Transatlantic Emancipations (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies) Paperback – November 3, 2015


In Writing for Justice, Elèna Mortara presents a richly layered study of the cultural and intellectual atmosphere of mid-nineteenth-century Europe and the United States, through close readings of the life and work of Victor Séjour, an expat American Creole from New Orleans living in Paris. In addition to writing The Mulatto, an early story on slavery in Saint-Domingue, Séjour penned La Tireuse de cartes (The Fortune-Teller, 1859), a popular play based on the famed Mortara case. In this historical incident, Pope Pius IX kidnapped Edgardo Mortara, the child of a Jewish family living in the Papal States. The details of the play’s production—and its reception on both sides of the Atlantic—are intertwined with the events of the Italian Risorgimento and of pre–Civil War America. Writing for Justice is full of surprising encounters with French and American writers and historical figures, including Hugo, Hawthorne, Twain, Napoleon III, Garibaldi, and Lincoln. As Elèna Mortara passionately argues, the enormous amount of public attention received by the case reveals an era of underappreciated transatlantic intellectual exchange, in which an African American writer used notions of emancipation in religious as well as racial terms, linking the plight of blacks in America to that of Jews in Europe, and to the larger battles for freedom and nationhood advancing across the continent.
This book will appeal both to general readers and to scholars, including historians, literary critics, and specialists in African American studies, Jewish, Catholic, or religious studies, multilingual American literature, francophone literature, theatrical life, nineteenth-century European politics, and cross-cultural encounters.

New Book: New World Courtships: Transatlantic Alternatives to Companionate Marriage

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New World Courtships: Transatlantic Alternatives to Companionate Marriage (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies) Paperback – November 3, 2015

Feminist literary critics have long recognized that the novel’s marriage plot can shape the lives of women readers; however, they have largely traced the effects of this influence through a monolithic understanding of marriage. New World Courtships is the first scholarly study to recover a geographically diverse array of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novels that actively compare marriage practices from the Atlantic world. These texts trouble Enlightenment claims that companionate marriage leads to women’s progress by comparing alternative systems for arranging marriage and sexual relations in the Americas. Attending to representations of marital diversity in early transatlantic novels disrupts nation-based accounts of the rise of the novel and its relation to “the” marriage plot. It also illuminates how and why cultural differences in marriage mattered in the Atlantic world—and shows how these differences might help us to reimagine marital diversity today.

This book will appeal to scholars of literature, women’s studies, and early American history.


New Book: Transatlantic Abolitionism in the Age of Revolution: An International History of Anti-slavery, c.1787-1820

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Transatlantic Abolitionism in the Age of Revolution offers a fresh exploration of anti-slavery debates in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It challenges traditional perceptions of early anti-slavery activity as an entirely parochial British, European or American affair, and instead reframes the abolition movement as a broad international network of activists across a range of metropolitan centres and remote outposts. Interdisciplinary in approach, this book explores the dynamics of transatlantic abolitionism, along with its structure, mechanisms and business methods, and in doing so, highlights the delicate balance that existed between national and international interests in an age of massive political upheaval throughout the Atlantic world. By setting slave trade debates within a wider international context, Professor Oldfield reveals how popular abolitionism emerged as a political force in the 1780s, and how it adapted itself to the tumultuous events of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.


Conference: Romanticism on Edge / Edgy Romanticism’ – a one day symposium on 9th April 2016

‘Romanticism on Edge / Edgy Romanticism’ – a one day symposium on 9th April 2016

full name / name of organization:
Dr Andrew McInnes, Edge Hill University
contact email:

The traditional boundaries of Romanticism – six male poets; the definite articles of Romantic image, imagination and ideology; an implicit focus on Englishness – have been comprehensively contested to transform the discipline into the study of Romanticisms, including novels, plays, polemic, periodicals and print culture alongside a widening canon of poetry; questioning the ideology of the Romantic Ideology; and expanding borders spatially, to include Four Nations, archipelagic, Europe-wide, transatlantic and postcolonial approaches, and temporally, beyond the 1790s and early nineteenth century to imagine a Romantic century running from ca. 1750-1850.

This one-day symposium, hosted by Romanticism @ Edge Hill University, asks: where are the edges of Romanticism now? How do we define the boundaries of the discipline today? What is happening at the edges and borders of Romanticism, whether that be in the margins of the page; inscribed on the body, at nervous, physical or psychological limits; regionally – broadly defined – away from the metropolitan centre; or aesthetically, at the avant garde?

Proposals for individual papers, panels of 3 speakers and a chair, or innovative presentation formats, are invited on the following topics (although they are certainly not limited to them):

– Romanticism and changing conceptions of canonicity, spatiality and / or temporality
– shifting definitions of genre and generic boundaries
– Romanticism on the edges of the page
– the nervous Romantic body
– regional, archipelagic, transatlantic, or postcolonial Romanticisms and their borders
– Romanticism and the avant garde
– the limits of Romanticism

Please submit abstracts of 250 words for individual papers, or panel proposals / innovative presentation formats of 500 words (including a brief introduction and details of each paper), along with a short biography of presenters, to by 29th February 2016.

There is an opportunity for selected papers from the symposium to be revised for a special edition of the journal Romanticism.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Nick Groom, University of Exeter

Dr. Susan Civale, Canterbury Christ Church University